Next weekend is the annual Writers Weekend at the Beach, something I have been looking forward to since the very second of McNabb's last interception in the superbowl. The annual event is held on (near) an actual beach in Ocean Park, Washington. Three days of writers, and writer groupies, writer wantabes, former writers, future writers, and writer dreamers hanging out, going to class, writing stuff, and with a whole bunch of doing nothing, all set in a very lovely retreat center a short hike from the ocean. The people are very nice, the classes range from OK to thrilling, the food is family wholesome, and if I stayed there at night, the snoring is a killer.
I look forward to this every year. A chance to actually do nothing and not feel guilty. To get away from everyone I am in contact with the other 362 days. And, after every event is done at night, a chance to get away from the people I'm getting away to be with. In a dead quiet motel down the road, I don't even have to share the shooter to watch TV.
The only real drawback to the writer's weekend? Monday.
I look forward to this every year. A chance to actually do nothing and not feel guilty. To get away from everyone I am in contact with the other 362 days. And, after every event is done at night, a chance to get away from the people I'm getting away to be with. In a dead quiet motel down the road, I don't even have to share the shooter to watch TV.
The only real drawback to the writer's weekend? Monday.
Sounds absolutely wonderful!! Well, think of Brooke and I doing something similar but in surroundings much less inspiring...God, could there be anyplace less inspiring than downtown L.A.?? What were we thinking?? (L.A. Biltmore was Brooke's idea) Unless, of course, one is writing a 50's noirish kinda thing...which neither of us are.
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