Pelkey's Prattle

Writing as fast as I can, except here.

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Location: Allyn, Washington, United States

Writing: Two coming of age Novels published: Catching the Wind and Runners Book One. Find them at Authorhouse, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. Find pics at my pic blog spot:

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Decided to find some Romanian words. So, keyed in Romanian words.

If I stick to these sentences, I can stay authenic and not have to do any more research. So, will see how many of these words I can wrap into my story

Common words and phrases
English "Romanian"

Romanian (person) "Român"
hello "Salut" or "Salutare"
what's your name? "cum te cheamă?"
how are you? "ce faci?"
good-bye "La revedere"
bye "Pa"
please "Vă rog"
sorry "Îmi pare rău"
thank you "Mulţumesc"
yes "Da"
no "Nu"
I don't understand "Nu înţeleg"
Where's the bathroom? "Unde e toaleta?"
Do you speak English? "Vorbiţi engleza?"

Also, needed some nice African names. So I keyed in African names:

Kru Names
Kru Girls
Arway, Donyen - (Beautiful)
Teenesee- time does not pass
Jayplo/Japlo-- Girl name in Liberian Kru means beautiful girl.Nyonontee - Meaning: You cannot ask a woman her ways before you marry her.
Sorntee, Bloh, Wloh, Nyonweh, Tarloh
Kru Names - Boys
Nyennoh - (First born)
Borforh - you must wait
Monon-Konmlan (or Konmlan for short)-- Boy name In Liberian Kru. Means I'm the one with the luck/blessing.
Soe-Tehpoe (or Tehpoe for short)- boy name In Liberian kru. Means I'm not to be blamed / I'm not responsible for what happened.
Pennon, Togba, Teh, Jlakon, Forkay, Nimene, Boryee, Yenseloh, Odeleia, Gbwe

Mano Names
The Mano people are found in Northeastern Liberia and Guinea. Religion: Traditional religion, Christian.
Mano Boys Names
Gonlekpei - Man under the hut
Luogon - Boy born after the death of a sibling
Nyahn - 2nd born
Nyeayea - The eyes can see if it last long
Nenwon - For the sake of a child
Paye - 3rd born
Saye - 1st born
Wonbin - Vanity
Yeanue - life has come.
Zokaya - Heart should be patient

Decided on Tephoe for the bad guy and Nyeayea for the servant. Just noticed I misspelled Tephoe. Oh well, stories are written to be fixed.


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