Pelkey's Prattle

Writing as fast as I can, except here.

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Location: Allyn, Washington, United States

Writing: Two coming of age Novels published: Catching the Wind and Runners Book One. Find them at Authorhouse, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. Find pics at my pic blog spot:

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Taking it in the shorts

Haven't posted for awhile, cause life has simply been so much fun. Thinking about Thelma and Louise, the quote, "You get what you settle for," and then they drove off a cliff. So, rather than deal with the you get what you settle for part of my life, I've been thinking about the people I wish would consider setting for what T&L setted for, that is - cliff drivers.

I have a clunky 1998 Nissan 4X4 PU, heavy on the PU part of PU, which costs about $1 a foot to drive. It was clunking along one day and I took it to JIFFY LUBE as the oil was old and maybe new oil would reduce the clunk. Well, oil changing was $30, suckering added $80. They flushed the engine for $40 and replaced the transmission fluid for $30. Maybe that would help the clunky part, who knows, so I bit. Knew I was screwed when they wanted to clean the fuel injection jets for another $40. My clunker has a carb. SHORTS! As in nailed in them. Since they had my credit card number, I tiptoed out and simply vowed NEVER to return to SCREW YOU LUBE. Should fit well on their markee, or whatever sign thing is called. Cliff drivers, all of them.

Bye the way, the clunk turned into C&B, (crash and burn). The chain thing broke to the tune of KURCHUNG - $1,000 - no vacation this year. In penetrating the truck to fix the chain thing, they found all of the tooth things looking like the lady in the Polident commercial. KURCHING, KURCHUNG - $1,000 - garage guys like round numbers. I shouldn't complain. I round everything to the nearest $1,000 at work. Course, I'm working with billions. Maybe they are too, by the time they finish. Maybe the garage guys aren't cliff drivers, but the truck is.

Speaking of work, this was an entertaining week in an entertaining month. I got to watch fights that would make hockey players jealous, back stabbing unparalled in texture and depth, big, important people squishing little unimportant people just cause they can, people actually conspiring to harm other people and feeling good about it, a bit of robbing of Peter to pay Paul (Paul being the robber), firings, hirings, firing the hirings, hiring the dog chasing its tail can compete. Cliff drivers, hundreds of them. Well, exageration. Maybe only dozens. I've been taking it in the shorts for 11 months as of today. And getting what I settle for.

Watching the Mariners lose six in a row, usually with their favorite score of 6-2, was the highlight of the month. This "team" is AWFUL. And I like baseball, liked baseball (past tense). The whole team could take some driving lessons. The citizens of Washington, paying zillions for their stadium, could have better spent the money on new shorts.

OK, I'm not a person who wishes people would drive off cliffs. But I'm certainly tired of getting what I settle for. And constantly shopping for new shorts to take it in.

Just noticed we have a squirrel production in our back yard. Today was coming out day and about a half dozen of the little rats with fluffy tails are sprinting around the trees to the tune of severe bark attacks from the five noise makers we stupidly accumulated. If they all bark at once, they can drown out all other sounds. They give my headache a headache. Now, maybe I don't wish people to practice their airborne driving skills, but the squirrels could. And maybe they could lure the dogs over while they're at it. Or not.


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