Today is a holiday, father of our country day observed. In state employment during the legislative session, it means my hours are reduced from 7:30-6:30 to 9:00-4:00. Here I am, not even 5 pm, and I'm home. Almost feel like I need to put in for some leave to cover the 2 1/2 hours I'm off.
Recent polls taken by those who take recent polls indicate that ol' George wasn't exactly the most highly regarded president by those who fill out polls or whatever. They listed Abe as number one, followed by Uncle Ronnie, one of the Bushes, JFK, and even Bill Clinton, all before George the Great. Bill Clinton? Come on. He and George B the first remind me of James Garner and Jack Lemmon in "My Fellow Americans" with their current lovefest. Probably named them because the pollees couldn't remember any president past Kennedy. Oops, off track.
Actually, one of the most redeaming qualities about our first president is that he allowed for a second one. George junior didn't succeed him as king of the world, western world anyway.
Most people knew George chopped down a cherry tree, married Martha, was a general of some army, crossed a river in a row boat, lost his way into the playoffs against England and still won the war, had a state named after him, and probably did lie on occasion. Most people don't know that George stiffed one of my ancesters by making the down payment of the land Washington DC is built on and then forgetting to get congress to appropriate the remainder of the payments. Maybe I should file a claim.
All in all, it is swell that we have a holiday named after our funding father (oops, Freudian slip) founding father. And tomorrow, when his birthday actually occurs, remember to wish him a happy day in whatever location you think he currently resides in.
Recent polls taken by those who take recent polls indicate that ol' George wasn't exactly the most highly regarded president by those who fill out polls or whatever. They listed Abe as number one, followed by Uncle Ronnie, one of the Bushes, JFK, and even Bill Clinton, all before George the Great. Bill Clinton? Come on. He and George B the first remind me of James Garner and Jack Lemmon in "My Fellow Americans" with their current lovefest. Probably named them because the pollees couldn't remember any president past Kennedy. Oops, off track.
Actually, one of the most redeaming qualities about our first president is that he allowed for a second one. George junior didn't succeed him as king of the world, western world anyway.
Most people knew George chopped down a cherry tree, married Martha, was a general of some army, crossed a river in a row boat, lost his way into the playoffs against England and still won the war, had a state named after him, and probably did lie on occasion. Most people don't know that George stiffed one of my ancesters by making the down payment of the land Washington DC is built on and then forgetting to get congress to appropriate the remainder of the payments. Maybe I should file a claim.
All in all, it is swell that we have a holiday named after our funding father (oops, Freudian slip) founding father. And tomorrow, when his birthday actually occurs, remember to wish him a happy day in whatever location you think he currently resides in.
Hey, what about the wooden teeth?
I visited your blog and found nothing, not even an address. What gives?
I'm a "good" state employee. I work holidays and evenings, like tonight in a couple of minutes. I don't visit the internet or e-mail any personal stuff. Probably because everything I write is subject to litigation discovery, one of the joys of being in the Mental Health Division.
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