Pelkey's Prattle

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Location: Allyn, Washington, United States

Writing: Two coming of age Novels published: Catching the Wind and Runners Book One. Find them at Authorhouse, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. Find pics at my pic blog spot:

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


One of the difficult parts of a diminishing contestant "reality" show is the diminishing contestants. Although Anthony probably was the weakest and least marketable of the four remaining singers, he still brought a personality out that I will miss. The concept of people being on television and at the same time being regular usually is non-existant by now, with the promised hype of being a "star" taking over. Anthony appeared to be just about the same guy as in the audition as he was in the end. He didn't get plastic.

Perhaps none of them got plastic. But, with the exception of Constantine, after they were gone for a week, they were out of mind along with the out of sight. The show is too close to the end for Anthony to be out of sight. Must be hard to lose so close, but at the same time, surprising to make it so far.

Would I buy an Anthony CD? Doubtful, as I don't buy all that much music. But, despite that, I hope he does well, when he doesn't have to compete for a share of the attention, and can really be himself singing, maybe he will shine.

Would I buy Bo's? Nose. I can listen to some Boxtop oldies if I want to hear his kind of voice.

Would I buy Vonzell's? Probably not, although I think she sounds better than Whitney singing Whitney. Maybe when she sings Vonzell, she'll sound even better.

Would I buy Carrie's? I really don't care much for country. But...maybe she can mix a bit in and I'll feel better when I buy one. Provided she produces one. Will see.

Would I buy Constantine's? Only if he skipped the rock and sang what he is good at. What is the chance of that?


Blogger Randy said...

I have to disagree. Sort of. For my money, there are far too few old fashioned crooners in the music world, and I think Anthony would do well to hop on that teensy bandwagon. Plus, he truly improved over the weeks, in my, perhaps he's only just begun (oooh, maybe a Carpenters song for Anthony)...

I DO like country, and I can definitely see Carrie zooming to the top with the right material.

Bo, to me, sounds exactly like David Clayton Thomas from Blood, Sweat & Tears...which isn't a bad thing, but then, where is DCT these days??

I still say Vonzelle hits way too many wrong notes...especially in the lower registers.

Only the show's demographics can predict who will come out on top.

4:40 PM  
Blogger John said...

The teensy bandwagon may be teensy due to a teensy clientelle. However, I probably fit into that group, the over fifty but haven't given up on music yet crowd. I didn't care much for Vonzell's singing, but she started to grow on me. I think Carrie's the best singer, but Bo probably has as good a fan base.

7:23 PM  

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