Response to the response
Did I make a mistake about graven images? As a Lutheran in confirmation, we studied the commandments, the same as the catholic version. When I broght up graven images, I was told it wasn't important. The response from my pastor still floors me, 43 years later. Not important? Although graven images is in everyone's Bible, it suffers from what is probably one of the greatest cover-ups in history.
A personal relationship with God is what the faith part of religion is about. The rest appears to be cultural, and as bad as this sounds, secular. People killing people based on their religion is an example of what not having faith is all about. To me, killing is the opposite of faith. And it doesn't just pertain to followers of the Bible. Followers of the Torah and Koran aren't following their own religions if they think killing those who think differently is OK.
Faith in God is personal. You can share your faith, but you can never make your exact faith be someone else's exact faith. You can never make your own exact faith be your own exact faith 100% of the time. What goes on in the mind is between you and God, and no one else will ever truely know.
What about one way to God? If only the Christian faith works (or Islam or Judiasm or Hindu or Buddist) are the rest condemned to hell? By the way, hell as revealed to me isn't a fierly pit with Al Pacino holding court. It is the absence of God. None of us know what hell is like because none of us have ever been without God.
I grew up a Christian, which means I believed all other religions were evil in they were leading their followers directly to hell. This remains the standard rule of many religions. But, at the same time, those with other religions, some believe they are in direct communication with God and their religion has been revealed as being correct. Do I know the answer to this? NOT A CLUE.
The Bible does say be a Christian or else, as probably do other holy books about their religions. The Bible does have the tiniest of loopholes. Both with the man on the cross getting in without mandatory baptism and a passage about those who didn't hear the Word but still live it having a chance. However, I'm not able to say, "Be a Christian or you are screwed for eternity" to anyone. I can speak for myself only. And leave the decision about who gets in and who doesn't to God.
One of the wonders of blogging is we can share different opinions, some probably more educated than others, and still be OK.
A personal relationship with God is what the faith part of religion is about. The rest appears to be cultural, and as bad as this sounds, secular. People killing people based on their religion is an example of what not having faith is all about. To me, killing is the opposite of faith. And it doesn't just pertain to followers of the Bible. Followers of the Torah and Koran aren't following their own religions if they think killing those who think differently is OK.
Faith in God is personal. You can share your faith, but you can never make your exact faith be someone else's exact faith. You can never make your own exact faith be your own exact faith 100% of the time. What goes on in the mind is between you and God, and no one else will ever truely know.
What about one way to God? If only the Christian faith works (or Islam or Judiasm or Hindu or Buddist) are the rest condemned to hell? By the way, hell as revealed to me isn't a fierly pit with Al Pacino holding court. It is the absence of God. None of us know what hell is like because none of us have ever been without God.
I grew up a Christian, which means I believed all other religions were evil in they were leading their followers directly to hell. This remains the standard rule of many religions. But, at the same time, those with other religions, some believe they are in direct communication with God and their religion has been revealed as being correct. Do I know the answer to this? NOT A CLUE.
The Bible does say be a Christian or else, as probably do other holy books about their religions. The Bible does have the tiniest of loopholes. Both with the man on the cross getting in without mandatory baptism and a passage about those who didn't hear the Word but still live it having a chance. However, I'm not able to say, "Be a Christian or you are screwed for eternity" to anyone. I can speak for myself only. And leave the decision about who gets in and who doesn't to God.
One of the wonders of blogging is we can share different opinions, some probably more educated than others, and still be OK.
I'm sorry you're Lutheran pastor said that.
Graven images are important. In fact, God commanded Moses to make graven images (e.g. the carved angels over the Ark of the Covenant).
The problem is that we cannot worship them as gods. That's the Commandment.
You will be glad to know that Catholics do not believe and aren't allowed to say, "Be a Christian or you are screwed for eternity."
It is not that "Christian faith" works salvation. It is Jesus the Messiah, King of the Jews, that works salvation. The Catholic Faith does not follow the Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith alone. It's not my personal faith that saves, it is the Messiah that saves.
The Catholic Church holds that salvation is only through Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church cannot change this because Christ her Savior taught this truth. Christ said in John 14:6
"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
That's pretty exclusive. But the Catholic Church believes that as long as a person truly follows and obeys the amount of revelation revealed to him or her, he or she can and will be saved, yet "through Christ."
If a tribal African knows he has committed wrongs (i.e. sins) and that there is a God up there whom he wishes to serve and obey, then he can be saved if he lives according to this knowledge. The same can apply to Jews, Moslems, etc. He is following "the Truth" the best he can, and "the Truth" is Jesus Christ. Christ said that he is "the way and the truth and the life."
St John says that Christ is the preexistent Logos or "Word of God." According to Jewish (and Christian) thought, the Wisdom or Word of God is the principle means by which all of creation was made. God spoke a Word and things were made. Those who follow this principle, even without knowing, are following Christ. Because Christ says He is "the way and the truth and the life." Those who seek the right way, the truth of universe and the divine life, are actually seeking to follow Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. They are Christians.
As Father Benedict Groetschel once said to a Rabbi friend of his, "You're one of the best Christians I know."
If you bought a Catechism of the Catholic Church at Barnes and Noble and began to read it, I think you would see the beauty and consistency of the Catholic Church and how it is very gracious in its teachings - because Christ is her teacher.
Are there rotten apples? Yes. Christ said there would be. It's unfortunate, but that's life until He comes again.
Father Peregrinator,
At first, I thought it was your name. However,
per·e·gri·nate: To journey or travel from place to place, especially on foot.
gives me the impression the name is for your calling.
You are very elequent and learned. I appreciate your thoughtful responses to my drivel.
I read the Catechism of the Catholic Church in high school when I was dating a catholic girl for a few minutes and wanted to sound intelligient. Unfortunately, it helped convince me to stop dating her. (us vs. them mentality)
We are products of our upbringing for much of our lives. As I was a got-it-right-the-first-time Lutheran (vs. being born again), I pretty much thought I had all of the faith rules down pat for the first 40 years of my life. I struggled mightily when the Lutheran Church officially proclaimed the Creation Story a myth, and embraced a "don't ask, don't tell" philosophy for gay clergy.
It took years of more struggle to overcome the early traditions and realize my black and white values had cracks in them. Although I still can't quite handle the guys kissing in public part, I have learned gay people really are people. And, as I so well put it in my blog, they may not be "screwed for eternaty" just for being gay.
Haven't quite got the Creation Story is a myth part yet, but realize other issues are important.
Curious how you can be a Father and be a husband. And a zillion other things about you. Should you ever happen my way again, please share what you can. And thanks for what you shared.
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