Pelkey's Prattle

Writing as fast as I can, except here.

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Location: Allyn, Washington, United States

Writing: Two coming of age Novels published: Catching the Wind and Runners Book One. Find them at Authorhouse, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. Find pics at my pic blog spot:

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Snow Minute

Well, winter has arrived in Western Washington. Already the rainest month on record in many places, today we added to snow to help pad the total. Snow in Western Washington is really crummy. First, it has to rain thoroughly, to get the base wet and icy. Then, it snows really big flakes for about 2-4 inches. Then, it rains everything into a big mushy mess. Last, it freezes. So, tomorrow it is skating time.

Sometimes, so many accidents clutter the road, the cars have to wait in line for their turn. Two deep accidents are in really poor taste and Washington drivers are usually polite about their spinouts and fender benders. Makes the hour commute up to three hours. Can't wait.

Check the Munster's House pic on my pic blog.


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