Pelkey's Prattle

Writing as fast as I can, except here.

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Location: Allyn, Washington, United States

Writing: Two coming of age Novels published: Catching the Wind and Runners Book One. Find them at Authorhouse, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. Find pics at my pic blog spot:

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Nothing surprises nobody

My boss got fired last month. One day, he was told to leave and not come back. Don't let the door catch you... So, he left. Just walked away. Didn't even get to clean out his desk or take his photos.

Today, he was asked to come back. New job, new responsibilities. CEO of a psych hospital. Welcome back. Missed you. Hold the door for you on your way in? Oh, here's your stuff. We saved it for you.

Our orginazation was being absorbed by a much larger organization (about six times the budget) However, our organization, with state psych hospitals, has six times the staff. Turns out it costs so much per staff to change coding, regardless of what is changed, including just the acronym. Therefore, to save costs, instead of them absorbing us, we absorbed them.

These were two consecutive all staff announcements today. Nobody believed them.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Michael Jackson - guilty or clueless?

Was other than suprised with not guilty. So, he did the stuff, he just wasn't guilty of a crime doing it. He should be guilty of being clueless about some things, but rich and clueless seem to work well together.

Not all that much different from priests raping kids and getting away with it. As with MJ, the Catholic church is very rich, and very clueless, aparently about the same things MJ is clueless about.

Certain people and groups of people in certain stations of life have a much lower standard of wrong than the average joe or joline.

Could be worse. Sadam's kids are said to have routinely shot people they didn't get along with, even in public, and no one did anything about it. Better to get raped than killed? Uncertain.

People in high places squishing people in low places is a routine of life.

Our governor, for instance, decided to fire 1,000 people to look good. Doesn't matter to her if it makes things better, worse, or indifferent. She did it cause she can.

Could be worse, in the Bible, David lined up all of the men in a conquered country and randomly killed half of them. He did it cause he could. Better to get fired than killed. Certain.

This isn't utopia. I wonder if throughout history, more people have been killed for sport than animals?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Got a new boss today, and a new assistant boss. Both, upon being appointed, clearly indicated they didn't want the jobs and would stay only long enough for real bosses to be found. Neat working for an organization where everyone wants out. I had my chance and blew it. So, I'm stuck with all of the others wanting out. Reminds me of lobsters in a pot, where every time one almost gets to the entrance, another pulls it back.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Not Blogging much

My job's tension has put a dampener on writing, blogging, or anythinging. Tomorrow we have another announcement. After the last three announcements, can't wait.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

And the hits just keep on coming.

I work for the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. It is divided into six administrations. I work for the Health and Rehabilitative Services Administration, which has four divisions. I work for the Mental Division. Got that? I'm the Chief of Finance, and report to the director.

Last Wednesday, the director was fired. Officially, he resigned, but it wasn't a well kept secret. The Assistant Secretary responsible for the administration took over as acting director. On Sunday, the deputy director - who was supposed to retire in January, but was held over six months - suffered a stroke. He died this morning. While announcing his death, the Assistant Secretary also announed our administration was being disolved on July first, and he would be retiring.

Within a week, we lost our director, deputy director, acting director, and our organization. Not certain I want to go back to work tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Today, I got my publisher's quarterly royality checks (yeah, right) from sales of Catching the Wind and Runners Book One. Together they total three digits. (no, I didn't count the decimal places) Need to get Book Two out.


Randy Jean decided I needed to participate in this tag thing.

Total Number Books I Own: About 2,000 give or take one or two

Last Book Read: The Broker - And page upon page of Runners Book Two on my screen

Books on My Coffee Table I'm Planning To Read: I don't have a coffee table, but I do have a book backup:
The Da Vinci Code (or not)
The Cloister Walk
Back Roads (which is in the re-read section)
Deadly Aim
From the Garden of Memory
Secrets, Lies, and Alibis
Two Terry Brooks Books (I'm behind)
State of Fear
The Wedding
A Father for All Seasons
Dying To Kill

Five Books That Mean A Lot to Me:
1. Bible (is that a book or 66?)
2. Diana (my most read novel, I have a first edition hard bound, mint condition - I read the paperbacks - four, very worn out)
3. Lord of the Rings (read it every year since 1972 - I smuggled hard bound copies of all four from Taiwan, original printing in that country - they cost a dollar)
4. Sword of Shannera (Terry Brooks first - have a signed copy of one of his books)
5. Runners (all right, it's my book, but I've been living in and out of it for more than 15 years)

Not going to tag anyone. Haven't passed on tag (or one of those must send or die types) yet.


Haven't been able to blog for awhile, as my connection stopped working. As I'm not exactly computer literate into the 21 century, (I was a computer wiz in the 70's, punch cards and all) I tried it a couple of times and dispaired.

Today I had to decide between calling my internet provider and reading the provider disk. As the disk was cheaper, I tried it. The disk had a troubleshooting section and directions. I followed them, and behold, I'm back in business.

Real men never follow directions. So, what?