Pelkey's Prattle

Writing as fast as I can, except here.

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Location: Allyn, Washington, United States

Writing: Two coming of age Novels published: Catching the Wind and Runners Book One. Find them at Authorhouse, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. Find pics at my pic blog spot:

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Why are people stupid?

Found out last week that when my former boss was telling me I was being investigated, she was lying to me. Why would somebody be that mean? I know guys are supposed to be macho and able to tough out poorly contructed interactions by others, but I'm not. I really thought she was a very nice person and believed what she told me. I actually cared about her, even while she was lying to me. Guess that makes me stupid or something, a guppy in the fish food chain. Does my former boss care?

My sister's school was almost shot up a couple of weeks ago. The kids planning to do the deed were practicing when one shot the other. Although arrested, the judge let the shooting kid go home to his parents. If the kid was planning to shoot up a school, which most likely would have ended with others dead and him either dead or in jail forever, why would anyone let him go? Who is stupid, the judge, or me for thinking the judge is missing a couple of cylinders in his engine? Does the kid care? Does the judge care?

Yesterday, some kids had an all night rave party, ending with many of them dead, for no apparent reason other than one of the party goers decided to take everyone out, including himself. It was so useless and stupid. Why would parents even allow their kids to be out all night doing anything? One mom was interviewed and said she didn't know if her kid was alive, but if she was, she was grounded for life. Somebody should have grounded the parent for life. Does the parent care?

If life is meaningless without God, even with God it is a struggle to comprehend it. I don't want to equate caring with stupid, but today am falling a bit short.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Survived my first day. Actually went well. I think I'm going to like this, if I can get past the detail stuff and sink my teeth into something difficult. Optomistic after one day.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

First Day tomorrow

Tomorrow is my first official day in my new job. I moved my stuff there today, after getting a send off from my old job. Despite my being there only four months and with a primary assignment of finding a new job, I was given a very nice send off by the few staff I got to know. Walking into the building where I worked for 16 years, I was greated by about 50 people I knew well enough for them to know I was back. Very warm feeling.

I will miss the very nice people where I was exciled, but it is good to be back. That doesn't even count the 10 extra miles and 30 minutes of commute I no longer have in my life. Tomorrow I will find out how well this will work when they want me to do something. Can't wait.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

My Poor Fence

Last month, a windstorm blew down 40 feet of my fence. I put up a plastic temp fence to keep the dogs in, but chipping out the post bottoms sunk in cement was a major wear out. I'm up to resunk painted posts so far. The dogs love the close up to the golfers for barking.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

I'm back, sort of

Been a couple of months (six.5) since my last blog. I wanted to wait until I got another job, which I finally did and it starts next week. I'm still in the State of Wash, still in the state of DSHS, and still in the state of fiscalness. I'm moving from social programs to dirt and structures, formally called the Lands and Buildings Division. I will be fiscalling around in the Capital Programs Office.

The last six months have been like being placed on administrative leave, except I had to go to work. I mostly did what I could think of work wise for those last six months, with an occasional, "Can you do this?" thrown in. My only real assignment was to find another job, which I now have done. Mission accomplished.

I did do a couple of things to earn my keep. I found a couple million in extra revenue in an administration I volunteered to snoop in. They were happy for the possibility of getting more money. I also found an equilivant amount of double dipping in another administration. They were happy to ignore my report. I laid the ground work for some fiscal revolting against tryanny and oppressive number hiders, which in government is as common as computers. If the revolt happens, it might be cool, seeing working stiffs break out of their mushroom mode and get to know what's going on in their own programs, as long as I don't get sucked back into it.

The most exciting part of the last six months are two investigations of allegations against me, which seem only to be in theory, as in those six months they have been open, nothing has happened. So, something to blog about in the future, should I actually be told what happens, or for that matter, even find out what I'm accuesed of. Isn't life great?

Since I haven't blogged in six months, I don't expect anyone to stop by and actually read this. But, if somebody does, feel free to say so.