Pelkey's Prattle

Writing as fast as I can, except here.

My Photo
Location: Allyn, Washington, United States

Writing: Two coming of age Novels published: Catching the Wind and Runners Book One. Find them at Authorhouse, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. Find pics at my pic blog spot:

Sunday, July 30, 2006

In case you wondered

Here's a day lilly.

Mixed Messages

After my world opinion, decided a local opinion to balance. I think Ebenezer sitting in my day lilles looks pretty cute. This shot comes from my new Canon Powershot A620 - my new toy.

Ebenezer in the day lillies

Culture Shock - theirs and ours

In Lebanon, the H guys filled a building with women and children and shot rockets off the roof. When Isreal shot back, they killed the women and children, which gave the H guys a huge propaganda chip. What kind of people would be willing to do that, including the women and children willing to be blown to bits for the cause? Noted that few if any of the men hung around to get killed.

This is what Bushocracy is trying to cure in the Middle East. This is an important piece of the Muslum culture, (can't even choke out the word religion) dying for the cause. For the US to conquer the Middle East, would we would have to kill all of them, the men anyway?

Just as important as dying for the cause, or getting our side to kill them, is their side killing women and children for the cause, just for political gain. Doesn't matter whose women and children they kill, ours theirs, anyone's. They have no trouble killing their own people, Muslims killing Muslims. Or better, Muslims killing Jews. It happens here, too, like in Seattle. We are fighting a culture where life is meaningless and death is important.

Can we who fear death and love life, especially life's toys (like SUVs) co-exist with a culture who thinks we are as nuts as we think they are? And whose goal is to eliminate us, the infidels?

Our goal isn't to eliminate them. Or is it? Us pushing Bushocracy on them probably means the same to them. Which is worse?

Bushocracy is a term to cover the concept of a society where people elect their tyrants and whose tyrants try to prop up fake favorable governments in other countries with their own military. Baby Bush didn't invent it. We tried it in Europe, Vietnam, Central America, and Iran long before Baby Bush came along. Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Daddy Bush are recent examples. Baby Bush just happens to be the current elected tyrant, who tried to do it in Afganistan and now is trying to do it in Iraq.

I probably have this all wrong. Or do I?

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Not much blogging lately

If I blogged something, it would be on what's wrong with Bush. But, it's like stating the obvious, so I'll spare the reader or two.

I could blog about my dogs, but I just did. Pix is still giving me dirty looks for trimming her.

I could blog about my house, full of European castles waiting for their miniature gardens. Hohenzollern is my favorite.

I could blog about my writing, except I'm not. Writing, that is.

So, I'll blog the weather, 95 for the third straight say. No global warming here. Not the ususal rainy weekend we used to be accustomed to. Cooking.

Have a swell day, whoever reads this. And don't forget to say hi.

And Freckel, the worry wort

Freckel is in worry mode, which happens any time I try to photograph her. Again, this is greatly enhanced or she would blend with the background.

And Ester

A rare picture of Ester, where you can tell where she starts and the background stops. This is enhanced.

Here's Emily

Since I'm showing dogs, here is Emily. A bit fluffy herself.

Pix After

So, poor Pixel got shaved, sort of, shortened hair anyway. She is cooler, but not happier.

Pix Before

Pix was cooking in her coat. 95 degrees does that. Not much shade under the leaf.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

How to blog pictures

As in, how to blog pictures?

A fellow blogger par excellance has managed to post her book cover in the column next to her blogs. Very cool looking. However, I am blog handicapped and doing what her instructions think will accomplish same, accomplishes nothing. Since it worked for her, it must be me. Anyway, I posted them in the blog, just in case anyone doesn't know.